


fragile why-chromosomes still have a hard

time deciding to turn out a man rolling

a mortal stone coil uphill body burdened

to top the food chain feeling the heat

sizzle from womb to tomb becoming what

you eat in the eye of a saline chemical storm

pushing artifice to fertilize the lush Vietnamese

jungles and manufacture alkaline maternal stress

like imagine Italy ABR or RGB zoning out on

burgers and fries ingested round nineteen-seventynine

would that parental action of substance be how

your red meat conceives by retcon design and

environmental circumstance combined,

now alien substance breeds in my tooth,

as death does inside my heartbeating

quickened tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin

circulating a steady Agent Orange flow

navigating a hostile acidic Love Canal

to masculinize in face of chemical onslaught

ogle future exes dressed in sexy protectives

weasel a way through industrial safety regulations

set „to increase the number of females and to eliminate

the weakest males” the déja vu directive won't digest

en route to Lombardy déja revisité.

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