

"She suffered serious injuries and died
at the scene," said a police spokesman,
quotes the Daily Mail. Anna Loginova
would just not let go, let go
of the Porsche Cheyenne or Cayenne that probably
goes with the job, the handgun, the jiu-jitsu, the
KGB training, that's ex-

goes with the job? that rage
against the mashina, or is it just
before, against the carjacker, the thief?

ex-KGB, and not "just a weapon", but a
woman, a woman
who won't let go her car
door handle, not just
a weapon, a woman
torn to shreds at high speed.

who could ask you now, nobody-


ask you to praise "the mortal error
Of birth and death, the two sad knaves of thieves,
And the hunger's emperor;
He pulls the chain," it is that moment
to let it go, or die

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